Subject : Comanche Creation Story
Date/Time : 7/17/2012 11:09:34 AM
One day the Great Spirit collected swirls of dust from the four directions in order to create the Commanche people. These people formed from the earth had the strength of mighty storms. Unfortunately, a shape-shifting demon was also created and began to torment the people. The Great Spirit cast the demon into a bottomless pit. To seek revenge the demon took refuge in the fangs and stingers of poisonous creatures and continues to harm people every chance it gets.
Subject : Comanche Proverb
Date/Time : 7/17/2012 10:47:32 AM
All who have died are equal.
Subject : Creation Story
Date/Time : 7/16/2012 11:12:22 AM
Mohawk Story: Sky Woman
Long before the world was created, there was an island in the sky inhabited by sky people. One day a pregnant sky woman drops through a hole created by an uprooted tree and begins to fall for what seems like eternity.
Coming out of darkness, she eventually sees oceans. The animals from this world congregate, trying to understand what they see in the sky. A flock of birds is sent to help her. The birds catch her and gently guide her down onto the back of Great Turtle. The water animals like otter and beaver have prepared a place for her on turtle's back. They bring mud from the bottom of the ocean and place it on turtle's back until solid earth begins to form and increase in size.
Turtle's back becomes Sky Woman's home and the plants she's brought down with her from Skyworld, including tobacco and strawberries, are her medicine. She makes a life for herself and becomes the mother of life, as we know it today.
Subject : The Birth of Good and Evil
Date/Time : 7/16/2012 8:50:04 AM
Mohawk Story: Sky Woman's daughter gives birth to twin sons.
Even prior to their birth, these two sons are in conflict. The good twin is born in the natural way, while his evil brother, jealous of his sibling's being born first, pushes himself out his mother's side. The birth of the twins marks the beginning of the battle of good and evil on earth. The brothers grow quickly and begin to fill the world with their creations. One creates all that is good and useful to humans, while the other is destructive, and creates all that is bad. Eventually the good twin defeats his evil brother, and banishes him to a pit under the earth. From this pit the evil twin sends emissaries that continue to bring evil into the world.
Subject : Mohawk Proverb
Date/Time : 7/16/2012 8:22:57 AM
A good chief gives, he does not take.
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